December 11, 2002

Really Bottom Drawer

So Friday after we left the roaring 20's party, we headed over to the Pilsner on Church and Market. On the way there I got a call from this guy that I met out about a week ago. I thought he was pretty cute, but after I gave him my phone number, he called it right there on the spot. Sounds to me like some one has trust issues. Not to mention he's a smoker and one of my friends noticed he had hairy hands. The next time he called was 1:52 in the morning on Thanksgiving. He didn't leave a message and I decided then that I wasn't interested. So he calls Friday night and my friend and I decided we should invite him out. Give me a break, we had been drinking unlimited champagne for three hours. He shows up, sits next to me and I ask him if he's cool with the gay bar. He says he's totally cool with it. Hmmm. I asked him to tell me his story. He keeps it short and not too sweet by saying "I'm Matt and I'm here". "That's my story". I tried again, "What do you like to do for fun"? His answer, "Drugs". My mind is spinning, is this guy trying to turn me off. I indulge him. "What kind of drugs"? "Pretty much everything but crack". I'm disgusted. "Recreational or habitual"? Without even turning his head towards me he answers "Somewhere in between". I asked him if I was boring him and he said that he was having a great conversation with the guys around him. I blurted out that I though he may be bi and he giggled "That's yet to be determined". Now I don't mind if he's a gay guy looking for a friend, but I thought I was very clear when I approached him the week before when I said "Hey you're cute would you like to go out sometime"?, that he understood I was interested. As a straight woman. Him as a straight man. But he wasn't even nice, and before long he just disappeared. He actually called the next day and told me not to be a stranger. Right! Because I want to be the bridge person to someone who I thought was quasi-cute while they figure out their sexuality. I take a month off from the dating world, and I feel like a kid trying to jump on a merry-go-round that's spinning 100 miles an hour. Good luck with that Matt!

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