November 25, 2002

Rite of Passage

My co-working friend greeted me with birthday goodies this morning. Everything was perfectly packaged in a big Barbie gift bag. On behalf of Becky Hostetler I got a Barbie birthday card, a Jesus candle, Willy Wonka pixy stix, magic grow zodiac signs, a box of super absorbent tampons, a whoopi cushion, three types of stickers. But my big gift was a cashmere sweater. My very first piece of cashmere. I'm all growed up!

My neighbor friend called and sang Happy Birthday to me, handmade a crown for me that I wore at dinner, and showered me with gifts from the Orient. Shiny pearl bracelets, purple and blue Buddhist bracelets, a beautiful red paper lamp, and an amazing silk Chinese dress that's royal blue and silver, hot Mama! A group of friends took me out for sushi, and a few ladees showed up as a surprise! I got a gift card for Virgin Megastore and Origins, I got a sassy pair of striped tights, a mouth watering selection of chocolates straight from Belgium, a magic date ball (that confirmed I will be dating in December) and I got a TON of love from friends! I also discovered Wasabi Tobiko, what a fucking rush!

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