May 21, 2008

Riddle Me This

According to a psychologist who developed this question, all serial killers to whom he posed it answered the same way.

Answer this question:
A woman goes to her mother's funeral. There she meets a man with whom she is instantly smitten. She has such strong feelings for him that she comes to realize that he is her soulmate, and they are meant to be together. They do not, however, exchange phone numbers. Afterward she finds herself thinking about him constantly. Two days later she kills her sister.



Unknown said...


Amilee Kelly Hodge said...

It's her brother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

but isn't that how all the people answer it?

Unknown said...

cuz if she killed her sister, she may see the guy at her sister's funeral.

Amilee Kelly Hodge said...

steve, that's sick. really sick.

Anonymous said...

but ami, that's the answer. she had never seen the guy before. he shows up at a family member's funeral. maybe he'll show up at another family member's funeral and the psycho sister can see him again.