I spent this weekend at The Crucible taking an introduction to neon class. It was perfectly timed too because it was a lesson in patience and going with the flow. I kept trying to control and bend the glass by force before it was hot enough; ready. I was thinking too far along in the process before really getting the basics down, which obviously are the fundamentals for getting to the finished product, despite seeming over simplified.
With the big move on my mind my main concern at the moment is financing it. I feel like I need to have all the money I'm going to need for the next twelve months in the bank before I go. This mind set has been the cause of a few private mini-meltdowns and one big public one. Thank goodness I have supportive and understanding co-workers! And while I do have tuition deadlines in the next eight to ten weeks, and I need to be prepared for not being able to work legally while I'm in school, I need to take a step back and allow things to fall into place naturally. I'm going to swallow my pride and ask to borrow money, I'm going to sell as much useless household stuff as I can, and make myself open to abundance.
Oooh love the keyhole! Amazing that you made it after one weekend class!
Hi Reese! I just logged into your blog after an unexplainable time away. The neon keyhole is super cool.
Are you going to art school? I couldn't quite tell what the dream was. Am I in a dream right now?
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